The Baltimore Roof Trust was created by Four Twelve Roofing in 2019.
With a commitment to donate at least one free roof per year to deserving Baltimore City homeowners,
In 2020, Four Twelve donated three roofs to deserving recipients across Baltimore. We are humbled to see how quickly this program has grown.
Four Twelve hopes the Baltimore Roof Trust will impact many lives over the coming years.
2020 BRT Highlight
2019 BRT Highlight
We wanted to take our dedication to bettering Baltimore a step further, so we founded the Baltimore Roof Trust. Everyone deserves safety and comfort, regardless of their ability to afford it. Through Baltimore Roof Trust, we are selecting candidates across local neighborhoods whose homes are in dire need of roofing services, and providing those services free of charge. To bring in a full community effort, we opening up a nomination system so you can help choose the candidate who receives the services of the Baltimore Roof Trust.
All across Baltimore City, local citizens strive everyday to make our streets safer and our neighborhoods more welcoming. We want to return the favor by providing homeowners a service they need but can’t afford. The whole team at Four Twelve looks forward to the opportunities this project presents to strengthen ties across the City and better the lives of those living in it.