Looking for a Framing Contractor in Baltimore?

framing contractor in baltimore

Whether You Are Building A New Property, Or Renovating An Existing One: Here is what you need to know about performing a framing project in Baltimore City or Baltimore County. What is Framing? Framing is the act of putting together a property with wood or metal stud construction. You are building the exoskeleton or structural […]

A YEAR IN VIDEOS (2017) | Four Twelve Roofing

image of residential flat roofing

In some of our projects were lucky enough to have the cameras rolling (and the batteries charged), so here is a look at a few of the projects that Four Twelve Roofing worked on this past year. 1600 Barclay – Foundations Ever wonder what it takes to build a new foundation for a home, well sit back […]

1600 BARCLAY MODEL HOME READY | Four Twelve Roofing

image of 1600 barclay in Baltimore

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] After 6 months of construction, Four Twelve Roofing is happy to deliver its first home as a part of the 1600 Barclay development project. This home is a product of 1,000 hands, hearts and ideas throughout Baltimore. Thank you to everyone who met with us to discuss our project or who worked on it directly. We […]


image of well-maintained living room

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Coming up on 7 months since this project initially began, we are hitting yet another milestone – the homes at 1600 Barclay are officially for sale! Check out the Virtual Tour of these homes on the official 1600 Barclaysite: https://www.fourtwelvedev.com/blog-post/2017/4/11/1600-barclay-officially-for-sale/ And visit the official MLS listing for these homes at 1600 Barclay on HomeSnap: https://www.homesnap.com/MD/Baltimore/1604-Barclay-Street [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]